Saturday, February 11, 2012


These characters of Saggy buat aku senyum.. Hehehe.. Walaupun benda ni bukan menurut kepercayaan aku and kita tak boleh percaya benda khurafat ni, tapi bila baca ni ia jadi macam motivasi untuk jadi lebih baik.. And cuba untuk jadi character seperti yang tertera.. Pagi tadi  bila berbicara pasal rasa uncomfortable dan rasa tak confident dengan diri sendiri, someone sent me a BBM message berkaitan horoskop aku sebagai Saggy.. Baca ni...
"It's wonderful to be in the spotlight. All of your fabulous qualities are highlighted. You can show off your best attributes and talents. You can get a lot of attention. And, as an attention-loving Sagittarius, you will shine. But being in the spotlight has a downside too. All of your flaws will be exposed. Any mistakes you made will be very obvious in the glaring light. And with all that attention, everyone will see it clearly if you screw up. You are probably experiencing fears and insecurities about an upcoming opportunity to shine. But you needn't. You're a star, and a star is best when shining."

Ini buat aku rasa yakin dan sayang diri aku semula.. Macam aku cakap tadi, aku tak percaya benda2 karut ni.. Tapi ni sekadar motivasi.. :)

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